Icare Ganoderma Capsule


Ganoderma lucidum is also Reishi, is a mushroom used for better health. It contains numerous bioactive compounds.


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What are Ganoderma (reishi mushrooms)?

Ganoderma (Reishi mushrooms) are popular in Eastern medicine. Reishi mushrooms (Ganoderma lucidum) have been a part of some traditional medicine practices for more than 2,000 years. Ganoderma lucidum, an oriental fungus has a long history of use for promoting health and longevity in China, Japan, and other Asian countries. It is a large, dark mushroom with a glossy exterior and a woody texture. The Latin word lucidus means “shiny” or “brilliant” and refers to the varnished appearance of the surface of the mushroom. In China, lucidum is called lingzhi, whereas in Japan the name for the Ganodermataceae family is reishi or mannentake.In Chinese, the name lingzhi represents a combination of spiritual potency and essence of immortality and is regarded as the “herb of spiritual potency,” symbolizing success, well-being, divine power, and longevity. Among cultivated mushrooms, lucidum is unique in that its pharmaceutical rather than nutritional value is paramount
According to one review article, reishi mushrooms contain polysaccharides, peptides, and triterpenoids, which may provide some of their health benefits. They also contain dietary fiber and various minerals, vitamins, and amino acids.
People grind them into powder or use extracts to make supplements and other products. While their use is widespread, the evidence supporting any benefits is still lacking. Most researchers have done studies either on animals or in labs. The few human studies to date have not reproduced the same results, indicating that the mushrooms may not be as beneficial for humans.

    Most mushrooms are composed of around 90% water by weight. The remaining 10% consists of 10–40% protein, 2–8% fat, 3–28% carbohydrate, 3–32% fiber, 8–10% ash, and some vitamins and minerals, with potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, selenium, iron, zinc, and copper accounting for most of the mineral content (Borchers et al. 1999). In a study of the nonvolatile components of G. lucidum, it was found that the mushroom contains 1.8% ash, 26–28% carbohydrate, 3–5% crude fat, 59% crude fiber, and 7–8% crude protein (Mau, Lin, and Chen 2001).
    In addition to these, mushrooms contain a wide variety of bioactive molecules, such as terpenoids, steroids, phenols, nucleotides, and their derivatives, glycoproteins, and polysaccharides. Mushroom proteins contain all the essential amino acids and are especially rich in lysine and leucine. The low total fat content and a high proportion of polyunsaturated fatty acids relative to the total fatty acids of mushrooms are considered significant contributors to the health value of mushrooms (Chang and Buswell 1996; Borchers et al. 1999; Sanodiya et al. 2009).
    Polysaccharides, peptidoglycans, and triterpenes are three major physiologically active constituents in G. lucidum (Boh et al. 2007; Zhou et al. 2007). However, the amount and percentage of each component can be very diverse in natural and commercial products, as exemplified by the data shown in Table 9.1. When 11 randomly selected samples of commercial lingzhi products purchased in Hong Kong shops were evaluated for the two major active components, triterpenes, and polysaccharides, it was found that the triterpene content ranged from undetectable to 7.8%, and the polysaccharide content varied from 1.1–5.8% (Chang and Buswell 2008). Such variations can occur for several reasons, including differences in the species or strains of mushroom used and differences in production methods
    Many more Health Benefits:
    Reishi mushrooms are best-known for their purported effects in boosting the immune system and helping fight off cancer. However, studies do not support the alleged benefits of reishi mushrooms.
    The Susan G. Komen foundation, a cancer charity, has found insufficient or no evidence that reishi mushrooms are effective in:
    -reducing symptoms of an enlarged prostate
    -treating memory loss due to Alzheimer’s disease
    -reducing noncancerous tumors in the rectum or colon
    -treating clogged arteries
    -alleviating stress
    -reducing fatigue from cancer
    -treating poisoning
    -improving blood sugar levels in those with diabetes
    -getting rid of stomach ulcers
    -healing cold sores and genital herpes
    -reducing human papillomavirus in the mouth
    -treating lung cancer
    -reducing fatigue
    -treating altitude sickness
    -treating hepatitis B
    -alleviating asthma and bronchitis symptoms
    -curing liver disease
    -alleviating pain from shingles
    -treating kidney disorders
    -boosting the immune system
    -treating viral infections
    -curing HIV
    -treating chronic fatigue syndrome
    -treating prostate cancer
    -helping people sleep

The Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center also states that there is little or no evidence to suggest that reishi mushrooms treat:
high cholesterol
high blood pressure
a weak immune system
urinary tract infections
However, research is ongoing on the potential benefits of reishi mushrooms. Laboratory test-tube studies have found that they could be effective in fighting cancer and shrinking tumors.

There is also evidence from in vitro and animal studies that reishi mushrooms may support the immune system, but high-quality studies in humans are necessary before researchers draw any conclusions.

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